§ 7.08.03. Minimum code compliance review.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Generally. All mobile homes, manufactured homes, trailers, buildings, or other structures used or intended to be used for human habitation or the storage of materials associated with human habitation in the unincorporated area of the county should be reviewed to ensure that they provide the basic minimum housing and building construction standards essential for safe and healthful living. To facilitate such a review, no mobile home, manufactured home, trailer or building shall be located, placed, deposited, installed or connected or reconnected to utilities in the unincorporated areas of Okeechobee County unless and until said mobile home, manufactured home, trailer or building has been either inspected or exempted in accordance with the provisions of this section. Any person or corporation transporting, installing or connecting to utilities a mobile home, manufactured home, trailer or building in violation of this section shall be subject to fine or imprisonment in accordance with article XIII of this Code.


    New dwelling units. All new manufactured homes built in compliance with the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (HUD code), F.S. ch. 320, and provisions of the Florida Administrative Code pertaining thereto shall be presumed to comply with the minimum standards of this Code upon written certification by a mobile home or manufactured home dealer licensed under F.S. ch. 320 that the mobile home or manufactured home was constructed and remains in compliance with said statutes and codes. Additionally, any permit application intending or proposing to place, replace, construct, reconstruct, locate, relocate, install or reinstall a new manufactured home or building in Okeechobee County must demonstrate that the unit was constructed to and remains in compliance with structural design requirements and windstorm protection provisions for Wind Zone II as established by HUD regulations CFR part 3280, sections 3280.305 and 3280.306, or the equivalent code, statute or regulation to which the construction of the particular building or structure is subject.


    Used dwelling units. This section applies to trailers, mobile homes, and used manufactured homes and buildings and shall ensure safe and livable housing. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to be more stringent than those standards required to be met in the manufacture or construction of new dwelling units.


    All trailers, mobile homes, and used manufactured homes and buildings located within Okeechobee County on the effective date of this Code shall be inspected by the county department of planning and development prior to being transported, reinstalled or relocated in the county. The person transporting or relocating the structure shall make application with the building department and pay the fee described in appendix A including mileage, in full, for the off-site inspection. The off-site inspection shall ensure that trailers, mobile homes, or used manufactured homes and buildings will meet the requirements of this Code or any code incorporated by reference into this Code but said requirements shall not be construed to be more stringent than the code to which the unit was originally constructed.


    All used trailers, mobile homes and used manufactured homes and buildings prior to being transported into the county for the purpose of installation, use as a dwelling or resale within the county shall have an architect or professional engineer registered in the state certify that the trailer, mobile home or used manufactured home or building is in compliance with this Code or any code incorporated by reference into this Code and affix his impression-type seal and registration number, telephone number and address. Any permit application intending or proposing to import into the county from outside of the county a trailer, mobile home, or used manufactured home or building must demonstrate that the unit was constructed to and remains in compliance with structural design requirements and windstorm protection provisions for Wind Zone II as established by HUD regulations CFR part 3280, sections 3280.305 and 3280.306, or the equivalent code, statute or regulation to which the construction of the particular building is subject. Upon meeting applicable requirements and subsequent relocation to the county, the provisions of paragraph 1. above shall apply. Upon county inspection, failure to meet the requirements of this Code shall require the immediate disposal of the unit or removal of the unit from Okeechobee County.


    The director of planning and development may establish agreements of reciprocity with other counties and municipalities within this state to conduct the inspections required by this section.


    Due to the lack of federal building and safety standards for transportable structures manufactured prior to June 15, 1976, as well as the adoption of local standard building codes (see article VIII) that for the most part would prohibit such structures, any mobile home as defined in appendix B manufactured prior to June 15, 1976 is declared to be a substandard mobile home. Following the effective date of this Code, no mobile home manufactured prior to June 15, 1976 shall be imported into Okeechobee County for use or resale as a dwelling either temporarily or permanently, nor shall any mobile home manufactured prior to June 15, 1976 be installed, reinstalled, located, relocated, placed or replaced within Okeechobee County, or moved from one location in the county to another location in the county. The sale, resale, installation or transportation of a mobile home in violation of this subsection is strictly prohibited. The director of planning and development may grant limited waivers for the sole purpose of transporting a substandard mobile home out of Okeechobee County or to a permitted site for demolition and disposal.


    Standards for review.


    Trailers, mobile homes and used manufactured homes and buildings shall meet the following standards for safety and structural adequacy:


    Exterior exit doors, including sliding glass doors, shall be in good and safe working order.


    Exterior doors shall have safe and operable locks.


    If constructed after January 1, 1974, shall have operable egress windows or an exterior egress door located in each sleeping room.


    All windows and operators shall be safe and operable and all glass in place.


    Screens shall be on each window.


    All floors shall be of solid decking. All holes or damaged floors caused by leaks or broken decking shall be replaced or repaired, as needed.


    All interior wall coverings shall be in place.


    The bottom board covering the underside of the floor joist shall be insectproof and rodentproof throughout, and securely sealed.


    The roof shall be in good condition with no apparent leaks.


    There shall be at least three over-the-roof tie down straps, properly spaced and in good condition, on every single-wide mobile home. All double-wide mobile homes that were factory equipped with over-the-roof tie down straps must meet manufacturer's specifications.


    All running gear such as axles, wheels and springs shall be in good and safe working order.


    Chassis and hitch assemblies shall be in a safe, undamaged condition.


    The exterior wall covering shall be as necessary to prevent the entrance of water.


    Trailers, mobile homes or used manufactured homes and buildings shall meet the following standards for plumbing adequacy:


    All plumbing fixtures shall be in place and in good workable condition.


    The relief valve on the water heater shall have unthreaded ¾-inch drain pipe extended beneath the mobile home.


    Trailers, mobile homes or used manufactured homes and buildings shall meet the following standards for heating system adequacy:


    All heating appliances shall be in place and in good and safe workable condition.


    All duct systems shall be in place and in good workable condition.


    Trailers, mobile homes or used manufactured homes and buildings shall meet the following standards for electrical system adequacy:


    All shall comply with the provisions of article 550 of the National Electrical Code.


    Distribution panel boards shall be properly installed, complete with required breakers or fuses, with all unused openings properly covered.


    All electrical fixtures shall be safe and properly installed.


    All electrical outlets shall be of the grounded type.


    All trailers, mobile homes or used manufactured homes and buildings shall have approved smoke detectors located outside of each sleeping area.


    Certificate of inspection. Upon satisfactory completion of the inspection described in this section, receipt of a satisfactory written inspection report from a county or municipality of this state, satisfactory written certification from an engineer in accordance with subsection C.2., above, or the satisfactory written certification from a licensed mobile home dealer, the director of planning and development shall issue a permit authorizing transportation and installation of the trailer, mobile home, manufactured home or used manufactured home or building. Provided however no such permit shall be issued until the site on which the unit is to be placed is determined by the director to be in compliance with all provisions of this Code. All permits shall be valid only for the site inspected. Any subsequent relocation of the trailer, mobile home, manufactured home or used manufactured home or building shall require another inspection and permit prior to removal or transportation.


    Minimum code review required. Any building or structure used or intended to be used for human habitation or the storage of materials associated with human habitation not otherwise reviewed in accordance with this section shall be inspected to ensure that they comply with basic minimum standards prior to the installation, connecting or provision of utilities in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Housing Code. See article VIII F. A certificate of inspection shall be issued as provided in subsection 7.08.03 E. prior to occupation or use, and the provisions of section 7.08.03 C., as well as other applicable provisions of this Code shall apply.

(Ord. No. 97-02, § 1, 2-27-97; Ord. No. 98-07, § 1, 10-8-98)