§ 12.01.02. Director of planning and development.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Establishment of position. An administrative official to be known as the director of planning and development, appointed by the county administrator with the advice and consent of the board of county commissioners, shall administer and enforce this code. The county administrator may designate himself as the director of planning and development, and may delegate portions of or all of the duties as specified in subsection 12.01.02(B) of this code to the planning director, the code compliance director or to other aides or assistants. The director of planning and development or his designees are authorized to act through aides and assistants. In the performance of his duties, the director of planning and development may request the assistance of any appropriate officer or agency of the county.


    Duties. The director shall perform duties and responsibilities prescribed by this code including but not limited to:


    Receive all applications for development approval.


    Determine the completeness of development applications.


    Conduct all preapplication conferences.


    Schedule all applications before the technical review committee and planning board.


    Chair the technical review committee.


    Ensure that proper notice is given prior to all hearings on development applications.


    Ensure that all time limits prescribed by this code are met.


    Monitor the progress of all development applications through the review process and be available to respond to the questions of interested persons.


    Investigate promptly complaints of violations, reporting his findings and actions to complainants, and shall use his best endeavors to prevent violations or to detect and secure the correction of violations.


    Order the discontinuance of illegal use of land, buildings, or structures; removal of illegal buildings or structures or of illegal additions, alterations, or structural changes; discontinuance of any illegal work being done; or shall take any other lawful action authorized by these regulations necessary to ensure compliance with or to prevent violation of this code.


    Maintain written records of all official actions of his department with relation to administration, and of all complaints and actions taken with regard thereto, and of all violations discovered by whatever means, with remedial action taken and disposition of all cases; and the same shall be a public record.


    Perform such duties as are necessary to ensure continued community eligibility for federal flood insurance or to comply with the requirements of FEMA.

(Ord. No. 94-8, § 1 (12.01.02), 10-5-94)