§ 12.03.01. Generally.  

Latest version.
  • The following shall apply to all citizen boards and committees unless otherwise provided herein or in the resolution or ordinance structuring such board or committee:


    Qualifications of members. No member of a citizen board or committee shall be an employee of, or hold any elective or paid appointed position or office in the government of Okeechobee County, any municipality, taxing district or utility authority located within Okeechobee County. Nor shall a member of a citizen board or committee be an employee of, or hold any elective or paid appointed position or office with the State of Florida or state agency having jurisdiction in Okeechobee County where such jurisdiction may routinely result in a potential conflict of interest relative to the actions, issues, petitions or other matters to be considered by the citizen board or committee. Members shall be appointed from among persons in a position to represent the public interest. Members shall be residents of Okeechobee County.


    Removal. Members of any citizen board or committee may be removed from office by a majority vote of the board of county commissioners.


    Vacancies. Vacancies in any citizen board or committee membership shall be filled by appointment of the board of county commissioners for the unexpired term of the member affected. It shall be the duty of the chairman of each board or committee to notify the chairman of the board of county commissioners within ten days after any vacancy shall occur among members or alternate members of that board or committee.


    Sunset. A member of a board or committee shall serve for a period of three years. Each term shall expire on March 1 of the appropriate year. A board or committee member may be reappointed for subsequent three year terms, provided that the member applies for appointment to a vacant position upon expiration of his term.


    Alternate members. An alternate member shall be appointed to each citizen board or committee. Such alternate shall attend all meetings and fully participate in board or committee discussions and deliberations to the point of voting. The alternate shall not cast a vote if all permanent members are present. Should any permanent member be absent, the chairman or vice-chairman may declare the alternate to be a voting member for the duration of the meeting. The quorum requirements of the board or committee shall not be increased, nor shall the alternate be counted toward a quorum or lack thereof unless the alternate has been declared to be a voting member for the duration of the meeting.




    Officers and voting. Each board or committee shall select a chairman and vice-chairman from among its members and may create and fill such other offices as it may determine. It shall provide itself with a secretary, either by election from its members or by appointment of an employee of the county who is not a member of the board or committee. All members of the board or committee, but not a secretary who is not a member of the board or committee, shall be entitled to vote in matters before that board or committee.


    Rules of procedure. Each board or committee shall adopt rules of procedure necessary to its governance and the conduct of its affairs, in keeping with the applicable provisions of law and this Code. Such rules of procedure shall be available in a written form to the public.


    Meetings. Meetings shall be held at the call of the chairman and at such other times as the board or committee may determine; provided, that the board or committee shall schedule at least one meeting every other month, on a day to be determined by the board or committee. Meetings that are not regularly scheduled shall not be held without at least 48 hours notice to each member and subject to the notice provisions of subsection 5., below. Each board or committee shall have the power to take testimony under oath and compel the attendance of witnesses.


    Quorum; minutes; public records. Each board or committee shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member (including the chairman or vice-chairman), or if absent or failing to vote under subsection 6. below indicating such fact. The board or committee shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions, all of which shall be a public record and filed immediately in the office of the director of planning and development.

    A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of four members. The concurring votes of four members shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the director of planning and development. A majority of those present and voting shall be required to decide in favor of the applicant for any other matter upon which it is required to pass under this Code.


    Notice of meetings. In addition to any other notices that may be required by ordinance or statute for a particular matter that is to come before a board or committee, each board or committee that has a regular meeting schedule, shall publish such schedule no less than annually, in a newspaper of general circulation. Notice of special meetings shall be posted at the offices of the board or committee, or in the public area of the county support staff if the board or committee does not have an office. Provided further, each board or committee shall provide press releases or similar notices to the major local news media of the meeting time and place in an effort that this action will enable interested members of the public to attend the meeting.


    Disqualification of members. If any member of any board or committee shall find that his private or personal interests are involved in the matter coming before the board or committee, he shall disqualify himself from all participation in that case. No member of any board or committee shall appear before that board or committee or any other board or committee established in this Code, or the board of county commissioners as agent or attorney for any person in any matter involving planning or the land use regulations of the county.


    Financial and staff assistance. Each board or committee may be provided by the board of county commissioners with such professional and financial assistance as may be deemed necessary to enable the board or committee to perform the functions assigned to it by this Code.


    Multiple board or committee membership.


    Planning board and board of adjustments and appeals. In the making of appointments to the planning board or the board of adjustments and appeals, the board of county commissioners may appoint any or all of the members of the planning board to be members of the board of adjustment and appeals, and to serve jointly in the two capacities.


    Board classification. The board of county commissioners recognizes that all appointed citizen boards and committees demand a significant commitment of time and energy of the members; however, certain boards by statute or ordinance must perform complex enumerated functions. Accordingly, all existing lay boards and committees shall be classified by resolution as either type "A" or type "B." No member shall serve concurrently on more than one type "A" board or committee but may additionally serve on one type "B" board or committee. Any member not serving on a type "A" board or committee may concurrently serve on no more than three type "B" boards or committees. Until such time as the board of county commissioners adopts the resolution described in this subsection, those boards and committees described in this Code shall be considered type "A" and all other boards or committees shall be considered type "B."

(Ord. No. 94-8, § 1 (12.03.01), 10-5-94; Ord. No. 98-11, § 1, 12-17-98)