§ 7.06.07. Utilities.

Latest version.
  • A.

    Public central potable water and/or sewage system.


    Where it is proposed to install a public central water and/or sewage disposal system, the following shall be required in addition to all other provisions of this Code:


    Submission to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (FDER) and Health Department (HRS) of acceptable plans of the water and/or sewage disposal system which shall include the method of disposal of sewage effluent.


    Final plan approval and approval number of the water and/or sewage disposal system by the FDER and HRS.


    Construction in accordance with plans approved by the county engineer to be consistent with any present or intended public water or sewage disposal system.


    Dedication of such easements as will allow access for maintenance and operation of such system in the event the county assumes operation or control.


    An agreement to dedicate the system to the county upon request by the county.


    Connection to a public supply potable system and/or a public supply sewer system shall be required when such system is available. A system is available when it is capable of being connected to the plumbing of a residence or establishment, is not under a moratorium, has adequate permitted capacity to provide the service, and


    For a single-fam lot or residence, or an establishment with an estimated flow of 1,000 gallons per day or less, a potable water line or a gravity sewer line or low pressure or vacuum sewage collection line exists in a public easement or right-of-way that abuts the property line;


    For all other structures or uses, when a potable water system and/or sewerage system is reasonably near the existing or proposed development.


    Electricity, telephone, cable and other utilities. In new subdivisions, electric and telephone utilities shall be installed and electric, telephone, cable and other utilities that are installed shall be located underground.


    Essential services. Essential services shall be permitted in any district. Essential services are hereby defined to include and be limited to water, sewer, gas, telephone, and electrical systems, including sub-stations, lift stations, and similar installations necessary for the performance of these services; provided, however, that this subsection shall not be deemed to permit the location in a district of such establishments as electric or gas generating plants, sewage treatment plants, or water pumping or water aeration facilities from which they would otherwise be barred; and provided further that this subsection shall not be deemed to include the erection of structures for commercial activities such as sales or the collection of bills in districts from which such activities would be otherwise barred. Under this subsection, where structures are involved, such structures shall conform insofar as possible to the character of the district as to architecture and landscaping.

(Ord. No. 2005-12, § 2(Exh. A), 7-28-05)