§ 9.04.05. Directional signs.  

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  • 1.

    On-site directional signs limited in area to four square feet, giving directions to motorists regarding the location of parking areas and access drives shall be permitted as permanent accessory signs on all parcels and shall not be counted as part of an occupancy's allowable sign area.


    Off-site directional signs at a street intersection giving directions to motorists regarding the location of an establishment or development that is located on or near the intersecting side street may be permitted as permanent accessory signs on all parcels unless the parcel is zoned for a residential use. Such off-site directional signs shall be limited in area to 24 square feet, the sign face may include only an arrow, turning directions and the name of the establishment or development, and the sign shall meet front setbacks as established in section 9.04.03 A. for ground signs. No more than two such off-site directional signs may be located at any one of the intersection corners, but the combined area of both signs may not exceed 24 square feet. Shared off-site directional signs are allowed, but may not exceed 24 square feet in area. Off-site directional signs as may be permissible by this section shall not be counted as part of the allowable area for permanent accessory signs for the parcel on which the off-site directional sign is placed.

(Ord. No. 98-07, § 1, 10-8-98)