§ 2.04.15. PS public service.  

Latest version.
  • These districts were intended to apply to those lands where national, state or local governmental activities are conducted or those activities conducted by private entities that have been historically governmental, public service or institutional in nature. Included in this use are public or private schools, airports, hospitals, conservation areas, landfills, police/fire stations, detention facilities, parks and nonprofit recreational facilities as well as utility plants and their directly associated facilities such as power substations and sewer stations. It is not the intent to classify all lands owned by government in this category, but only those lands particularly and peculiarly related to the public welfare.


    Permitted principal uses and structures. Any single lawful government use or single private use related to the services described in the intent section above and as specifically listed below. The single use must be elected prior to approval of the application to rezone a parcel to the PS classification. The predominant use on any parcel bearing a PS or GU classification as of December 13, 1991 shall be deemed to be the sole permitted principal use under that governmental use zone. Additional uses may be permissible by special exception.


    Public or private schools with a conventional curriculum.


    Public airports (when in a public/semipublic facilities future land use classification).


    Public or private hospitals.


    Conservation areas.


    Police/fire stations.


    Detention facilities under the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Corrections, Okeechobee County or the City of Okeechobee.


    Parks and nonprofit recreational facilities.


    Public utility facilities, and utility plants and their directly associated facilities such as power substations, sewer stations, and septage or residual management facilities.


    Wireless communications facilities pursuant to section 7.10.


    A rehabilitation facility, half-way house, camp, retreat or other similar lodging offered as a condition of, or in association with, an organized course of treatment of sexual offenders as defined by section 47-1 of this Code.


    A rehabilitation facility, half-way house, camp, retreat or other similar lodging offered as a condition of, or in association with, an organized course of treatment for other than sexual offenders as defined by section 47-1 of this Code.


    Permitted accessory uses and structures. Uses and structures which are:


    Customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate or permitted or permissible uses and structures.


    Located on the same lot as the permitted or permissible use or structure, or on a contiguous lot in the same ownership.


    On the same premises and in connection with permitted or permissible uses and conventional structures; provided, however, that no residential facilities shall be permitted in the district except those required for security purposes or employees required to be quartered on the premises.


    Prohibited uses and structures. Prohibited any use or structure not specifically, or provisionally or by reasonable implication permitted herein.


    Additional criteria. Due to the potential for countywide impact as well as the intrusion of private enterprise into areas of operation and services historically performed by the government, the following additional factors shall be considered by the planning commission and the board of county commissioners in addition to those described in section 13.06.05C of this Code:


    Whether or not the proposed development will adversely affect ground and surface waters.


    Whether or not the proposed development is on land categorized as environmentally sensitive.


    Whether or not the proposed development borders or is adjacent to land which is environmentally sensitive.


    Whether or not the proposed development will constitute a nuisance.


    Whether the proposed development will diminish or enrich human life in its educational and cultural dimensions.


    Whether or not the proposed development will adversely affect the economy or the furtherance of a negative image that will influence the future of Okeechobee County.

(Ord. No. 94-8, § 1 (2.04.15), 10-5-94; Ord. No. 95-1, § 1 (2.04.15), 6-8-95; Ord. No. 99-09, § 1(Exh. B), 8-12-99; Ord. No. 2003-06, § 1, 7-24-03; Ord. No. 2006-08, § 9, 11-21-06)