§ 2.04.11. NC-2 neighborhood commercial-2.  

Latest version.
  • Neighborhood commercial-2 provides for commercial activities or operations, including certain agriculturally-related activities that provide for the daily needs of nearby residents. Although such uses are intended to provide for routine residential or agricultural purposes, such uses could cause minor adverse impacts when located immediately adjacent to existing or future residential neighborhoods. Accordingly, NC-2 uses are permissible only on arterial roadways, or in the immediate vicinity of arterial roadways when adjacent to existing neighborhood commercial uses that are located on an arterial roadway. NC-2 uses shall be buffered from adjacent property.


    Permitted principal uses and structures.


    Clinic/office, medical and dental, chiropractor, optometrists, optician and oculist. (Not hospital or pain management clinic.)


    Professional offices serving the daily needs of the neighborhood residents such as accountant, attorney, architect, engineer, surveyor and similar use.


    Business offices serving the daily needs of the neighborhood residents such as real estate broker, insurance agent, stock broker and similar uses; bank branch offices.


    Beauty shop, barber shop.


    Public parks, playgrounds, playfields, city or county buildings in keeping with the character and requirements of the district.


    Houses of worship.


    Medical clinic (not pain management clinic), nursing home, assisted living facilities.


    Primary and Secondary Schools with conventional curriculums, child day care centers.


    Boutique, apparel shops, other neighborhood or tourist/resort-oriented or retail shops and services.


    Private clubs and lodges.


    Small neighborhood or tourist/resort-oriented cafes, restaurants, meat markets, grocery stores, convenience stores and pharmacies.


    Photographic studios.


    Veterinarian's office or veterinary hospital where all services and activities occur indoors.


    Prohibited uses and structures. Any use or structure not specifically, provisionally, or by reasonable implication permitted herein. All permitted uses in the NC-2 district are limited by the following conditions:


    No manufacturing of any kind shall be permitted and no machinery shall be used other than normal office, medical, kitchen or repair or maintenance equipment.


    Within a rural activity center (RAC), the commercial uses, including those existing prior to April 2, 1992, may not exceed five percent or 30 acres, whichever is greater, of the total area of the rural activity center.


    Within the urban residential mixed use (URM), the neighborhood commercial uses may be permitted only on arterial or roads and at a distance of no less than one mile from similar neighborhood clusters (as measured from the closest property line in each neighborhood cluster). Multiple neighborhood commercial uses may be clustered; provided that no Neighborhood Commercial cluster shall exceed ten acres, not including intervening streets or alleys, not including areas that cannot be developed such as jurisdictional or protected environmental areas, and not including recreational vehicle parks or subdivisions.


    Accessory uses and structures. Uses and structures which are:


    Customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to permitted or permissible uses and structures.


    Located on the same lot as the permitted or permissible use or structure, or on a contiguous lot (with or without intervening street or alley) in the same ownership.


    On the same premises and in connection with permitted or permissible uses and conventional structures, dwelling units only for occupancy by owners or employees.

(Ord. No. 94-8, § 1 (2.04.11), 10-5-94; Ord. No. 99-11, § 1(Exh. A), 10-28-99; Ord. No. 2005-12, 1(Exh. A), 7-28-05; Ord. No. 2011-01, § 2(2.1), 7-28-11)