§ 2.04.03. RG residential general.  

Latest version.
  • This district is intended to be for low to medium density residential use, with a compatible mixture of residential types. Code regulations are designed to preserve the district residential character. Certain non-residential uses, properly sited and controlled, are permissible as special exceptions in this district.


    Permitted principal uses and structures.


    Residential development as follows:


    Single family, single family attached and multi family dwellings at a density not to exceed five units per acre;


    For parcels that obtained this designation prior to September 16, 2005, single family, single family attached and multi family dwellings at a density not to exceed a density of 18 units per acre where a development plan for the parcel or parcels is submitted and approved prior to December 15, 2006, including demonstrating that concurrency is met, otherwise the provisions of subparagraph a. above shall apply.


    Schools with conventional academic curriculums.


    Public parks, playgrounds, playfield and county buildings; public libraries.


    Existing cemetery, columbarium or mausoleum with boundaries existing at the date of this Code.


    Railroad right of way, utilities rights-of-way.


    Home occupations.


    Houses of worship.


    Prohibited uses and structures. Any use or structure not specifically, provisionally or by reasonable implication permitted herein or permissible by special exception.


    Accessory uses and structures.

    Uses and structures which:


    Are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to permitted or permissible uses and structures.


    Do not involve the conduct of business (except home occupation on the premises.


    Are located on the same lot as the permitted or permissible principal use or structure or on a contiguous lot in the same ownership.


    Are not of a nature likely to attract visitors in larger numbers than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood.


    Do not involve operations or structures not in keeping with the character of a low to medium density residential neighborhoods.


    Non-commercial plant nurseries and green-houses, gardens, servants' quarters, private garages, tool houses and garden shed, garden work centers, children's play areas and play equipment, private barbecue pits, private swimming pools, docks and wharves, and the like are permitted as accessory uses in this district.

(Ord. No. 2005-12, 1(Exh. A), 7-28-05)