§ 2.04.01. Agricultural.  

Latest version.
  • These districts are composed of large, open land areas. It is intended by the use of these districts to retain and preserve, insofar as desirable and practicable, the open character of the land. To that end, permitted and permissible uses are basically limited to agricultural, and, with certain limitations, other uses not contrary to the character of these districts. It is intended that this classification basically serve three purposes: (1) to preserve for agricultural uses those lands with agricultural development potential, to the end that man's future needs for food and fiber will be met; (2) to preserve and protect marsh lands, water sheds and water recharge areas, open spaces, scenic areas, and park areas (where not otherwise zoned PS); (3) to serve as a "holding classification" for lands which eventually may be required for more intensive uses. In the case of (3) it is the intention of this Code that such lands not be rezoned for more intensive uses without a clear showing of the public need, availability of services consistent with the more intensive uses proposed, and insurance that, upon rezoning, the development will not result in undue added financial burden to the residents of the County.

    The regulations for the A districts discourage or prohibit non-agriculturally oriented residential development, and prohibit commercial or industrial development except for certain agriculturally related activities. The regulations are intended to protect life and property in areas subject to periodic flooding and to conserve fish and wildlife.


    Permitted principal uses and structures.


    Agricultural uses, including accessory structures and uses incident to agricultural activity.


    Temporary roadside stands for sale of agricultural products.


    Railroad, electric power or natural gas line right-of-way.


    Permanent housing for agricultural labor employed on the premises located not closer than 200 ft. to any other property under separate ownership and with a ratio not greater than one dwelling unit for each 20 acres of land contained in the premises on which the labor is employed.


    Cemetery, columbarium, or mausoleum, provided no grave, monument, or building shall be closer than 25 ft. to any boundary line of the property; crematory for human remains when accessory to and on the same premises as a cemetery, columbarium or mausoleum.


    Game preserves and wildlife management areas; fish hatcheries and refuges; private hunting and fishing camps.


    Water conservation areas, water reservoirs and control structures, water and drainage wells.


    Boarding stable, provided no structure for the housing of animals shall be located within 200 ft. of any property line in separate ownership.


    Home occupations.


    Radio or television transmitting or receiving stations, radio, television or other commercial transmitting or receiving towers, antennas, antenna support structures subject to the criteria established in section 7.10, wireless communications facilities pursuant to section 7.10.


    Public utility facilities and utility plant sites including independent power company generation plants and directly associated facilities, and smaller properties related to the distribution of a utility service (such as power substations and sewer lift stations). This use shall permit on-site disposal of waste ash which has been generated on site as a result of power production subject to the provisions of this Code and other applicable state and local regulations.


    Public or private elementary and high schools with conventional academic curriculums.


    Monasteries, convents, houses of worship.


    Residential single family dwellings and manufactured homes, subject to density criteria as established by the comprehensive plan.


    For lots or parcels five acres or less in area, only residential single family dwellings and manufactured homes or other permitted principal uses and structures as established for the residential single family—Estate (RSF-E) zoning district.


    Cultivation facilities components and processing facilities components of a medical marijuana treatment center, but not dispensing facilities components. (See section 7.09.02.D. of this Code.)


    Prohibited uses and structures. Any use or structure not specifically or provisionally permitted herein.


    Accessory uses and structures. uses and structures which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to permitted or permissible principal uses and structures. Residential structures shall be permitted as accessory uses only when such buildings are for the residence of the owner, operator, or employees of agricultural, conservation or other permitted or permissible activities. For lots or parcels five acres or less in area, permissible accessory uses and structures shall be as established for the residential single family-estate (RSF-E) zoning district.

(Ord. No. 93-10, § 3, 7-22-93; Ord. No. 95-1, § 1 (2.04.01), 6-8-95; Ord. No. 99-09, § 1(Exh. B), 8-12-99; Ord. No. 2005-12, 1(Exh. A), 7-28-05; Ord. No. 2017-0005, § 1(Att. 1), 10-26-17)