§ 2.03.04. Zoning district regulations, schedule by zoning classification.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Zoning districts. Districts, as established by this Code and as delineated on the official zoning atlas, are as follows with titles and abbreviations for symbol purposes as indicated:

    A Agriculture
    RSF Residential, single family
    RSF-E Residential, single family estate
    RG Residential, general
    RR Residential, rural
    RM Residential, mixed
    RMH Residential, mobile home
    C Commercial
    C-1 Light commercial
    C-2 Heavy commercial
    NC-1 Neighborhood commercial-1
    NC-2 Neighborhood commercial-2
    C-RV Commercial—Recreational vehicle
    I-1 Light industrial
    I-2 Heavy industrial
    PS Public/semi public use
    PD Planned development


    Certain zoning district titles have been changed from Ordinance 74-1. Where such a change has occurred, the new title shall refer to the areas described on the official zoning atlas described by the original title based upon the following conversion: AC—Agriculture Conservation is now A—Agriculture; CI—Commercial is now C-1, Light Commercial; CII—Commercial is now C-2—Heavy Commercial; GU—Government Use is now PS—Public/Semi Public Use.

    These zones are static. No additional land will be zoned to either classification. Special exceptions (Part 11.04.00) for the previously permitted Commercial (C) zoning classification shall be determined by the future land use designation of the parcel for which the special exception is sought. If commercial corridor (CC) or industrial (I), the special exceptions for heavy commercial (C2), shall apply. If rural activity center (RAC) or urban residential mixed use (URM), the special exceptions for neighborhood commercial-1 (NC-1), shall apply. If any other future land use classification, no special exceptions shall be permitted.

    These classifications are newly established and will not be reflected on the zoning atlas as of the effective date of this Code. NC-1 and NC-2, along with commercial—Recreational vehicle, will be the only commercial classifications permitted in the urban residential mixed use (URM), rural activity center (RAC) and resort activity center (RESAC) future land use classifications.

    This classification is newly established and will not be reflected on the zoning atlas as of the effective date of this Code. Commercial—Recreational vehicle is the only zoning district that will allow for recreational vehicles, and is permissible in the urban residential mixed use, rural activity center (RAC), resort activity center (RESAC), resort corridor (RC) and commercial corridor mixed use future land use classifications. Existing recreational vehicle parks or subdivisions, regardless of existing zoning and where previously approved or where determined to be vested and therefore non-conforming, shall be governed by the regulations of the C-RV zoning district; provided that existing recreational vehicle parks or subdivisions that currently allow for recreational vehicles to be tied down shall not be required to obtain a special exception in order to continue to do so. Expansions of existing recreational vehicle parks or subdivisions shall require C-RV zoning and, where appropriate, the relevant special exception.

    These classifications are newly established and will not be reflected on the zoning atlas as of the effective date of this Code. Light industrial (I-1) is the only industrial zone allowed in the commercial corridor (CC) and rural activity center (RAC) future land use designations. Heavy industrial (I-2) is the only industrial zone allowed in the industrial (I) future land use designation. Special exceptions (Part 11.04.00) for the previously permitted industrial (I) zoning classification shall be determined by the future land use designation of the parcel for which the special exception is sought. If commercial corridor (CC) or rural activity center (RAC), the special exceptions for light industrial (I-1), shall apply. If industrial (I), the special exceptions for heavy industrial (I-2), shall apply.

(Ord. No. 94-8, § 1 (2.03.04), 10-5-94; Ord. No. 99-08, § 1, 8-12-99; Ord. No. 2005-12, 1(Exh. A), 7-28-05)