§ 1.06.02. Specifically.

Latest version.
  • The adoption of a unified land development code implements the following objectives of the comprehensive plan:


    All uses of land shall be consistent with the future land use classifications established and portrayed on the Okeechobee County future land use map. The future land use designations are intended to: a) coordinate land use with the natural environment, including soils, topography, and other resources; b) appropriately mix and distribute residential, commercial, industrial, recreation, public and conservation land uses; and c) encourage an efficient pattern of development and discourage sprawl. The Okeechobee County future land use map series shall be applied in conjunction with the policies of the comprehensive plan. Okeechobee County establishes the following land use classifications for the purpose of managing growth: urban residential mixed use; commercial corridor mixed use; rural activity center; power plant; public/semipublic facility; recreation; industrial; conservation; and agriculture.


    Okeechobee County will coordinate proposed future land uses with the appropriate soil conditions, topography, and the availability of public facilities and services.


    Okeechobee County will establish systems to reduce or eliminate existing development and zoning districts that are inconsistent with the future land use element and future land use map series. While protecting public safety and minimizing public expenditures on public facilities and services, Okeechobee County may permit residential development on vested lots of record established prior to the comprehensive plan which do not conform to density standards set forth in the future land use element.


    Okeechobee County shall redevelop and renew blighted areas by utilizing small cities community development block grant funds to rehabilitate or eliminate and replace up to 20 substandard housing units per year through the year 2000, and by utilizing small cities CDBG funds to provide for the development or redevelopment of commercial and industrial areas.


    Okeechobee County shall adopt and enforce standards that protect natural and historic resources. Natural resources shall be protected by the regulation of land use in proximity to public supply potable water wellfields and other environmentally sensitive lands, and by the management of stormwater runoff and drainage.


    Okeechobee County will ensure that proposed land use activities within the Kissimmee River study area are not inconsistent with the stated goal of the Resource Management Plan for the Lower Kissimmee River and Taylor Creek Drainage Basins, adopted August 21, 1985 and prepared pursuant to F.S. ch. 380.


    Okeechobee County will promote compact development and encourage the efficient use of public facilities.


    Okeechobee County will ensure that suitable land for public facilities and utility facilities to support proposed development is available.


    Okeechobee County will promote the use of various and innovative land development techniques.


    Okeechobee County will, as part of its five-year capital improvements program, identify measures and timeframes for correcting roadway deficiencies in its motorized and nonmotorized transportation system.


    Okeechobee County will protect existing and future rights-of-way from building encroachment.


    Okeechobee County will continue the development of an efficient traffic circulation system that is consistent with and furthers the comprehensive plan, and is coordinated with the plans and programs of the Florida department of transportation (FDOT), and the Resource Management Plan for the Lower Kissimmee River and Taylor Creek Drainage Basins.


    Okeechobee County will coordinate new development which is consistent with the future land use element with the provision of adequate transportation facilities.


    Okeechobee County will coordinate activity with state, regional and local jurisdictions to promote a proper mix of funding for transportation improvements.


    Okeechobee County will provide for adequate and affordable housing or housing sites to meet the needs of county residents, including low- and moderate-income housing, farm worker housing, mobile homes, and group homes and foster care facilities.


    On an ongoing basis, Okeechobee County will assist the private sector and other public agencies in providing adequate and affordable housing, supported by adequate public facilities, for existing and future populations.


    Okeechobee County will implement a program for identification, prevention, or elimination of substandard housing conditions. Included in the formulation and implementation of this program shall be the goal of rehabilitating or demolishing and replacing 20 substandard housing units annually.


    As part of its efforts to revitalize and stabilize residences and neighborhoods, Okeechobee County shall assure that such efforts do not cause permanent displacement.


    Okeechobee County will conserve its standard-condition housing stock, and improve, as necessary, the structure and aesthetics of existing housing. In this process, historically significant units will be identified and given special consideration.


    Okeechobee County will require that necessary public facilities and services are available or will be available concurrent with the impacts of development.


    Okeechobee County will prepare and maintain a five-year schedule of capital improvements for any drainage, solid waste, potable water and sanitary sewer facilities for which it may have jurisdiction, to be updated annually, in conformance with the comprehensive plan review process for the capital improvements element.


    Okeechobee County shall coordinate with providers of public supply potable water and sanitary sewer facilities, and with appropriate state or regional agencies, to: maximize the use of existing facilities; coordinate the extension of facilities in unincorporated areas of the county; and encourage efficient patterns of development while discouraging sprawl.


    Okeechobee County will reduce its per capita water consumption by 15 percent by the year 2000.


    Okeechobee County shall continue to provide for the solid waste disposal needs of all residents of the county, including state-mandated recycling goals.


    Okeechobee County, with funding assistance from the South Florida Water Management District, Florida department of environmental regulation [protection] or other appropriate regional, state or federal agencies, shall undertake a surface water management study to identify, and develop implementation strategies for the correction of, existing drainage deficiencies. The study shall also provide the basis for the improvement to, and expansion of, drainage facilities so as to ensure reasonable protection from flooding, prevention of degradation of receiving waters, and protection of natural drainage features.


    Ambient air quality shall not be degraded below minimum EPA standards.


    Okeechobee County shall conserve and protect the quality and quantity of current and projected water resources, including wetlands, floodplains, prime Floridan aquifer recharge areas and public supply potable water wells by regulating land use activities that may adversely impact water quality.


    Okeechobee County shall implement policies which provide for the appropriate use, conservation, and protection of soils, minerals, wildlife habitat, fisheries, unique native vegetative communities, and wildlife.


    Through the year 2000, parks and recreation facilities shall be adequate to meet the current and future needs of the county, and shall be provided on a fair-share cost basis.


    On an ongoing basis, Okeechobee County shall improve coordination with government agencies and the private sector to provide recreational opportunities and facilities on a fair-share cost basis.


    On an ongoing basis, the county shall assure provision for and maintenance of safe and operational access to identified public park and recreation sites for all segments of the county population, provided, however, that the county is not obligated to provide access to private, state and federal recreation facilities.


    On an ongoing basis, Okeechobee County shall assure provision of appropriate and sufficient open space within proposed public and private developments.


    Lands designated for open space within new developments will be protected from incompatible land uses.


    Okeechobee County will actively seek funding from a variety of public and private sources to finance any recreation facilities which may be needed in the future.


    Okeechobee County will coordinate the provisions of its comprehensive plan with the City of Okeechobee, other municipalities within the county, the Okeechobee County school board, adjacent counties, and other appropriate state or local agencies, in order to ensure consistency among the plans and programs of those entities, and in order to establish and maintain level of service standards.


    Okeechobee County will assure that the impacts of proposed development in its comprehensive plan upon development in adjacent governments is addressed.


    Through the application of its zoning, subdivision, and planned unit development regulations, Okeechobee County will ensure that proposed land use activities within the Kissimmee River study area are not inconsistent with the stated goal of the Resource Management Plan for the Lower Kissimmee River and Taylor Creek Drainage Basins, adopted August 21, 1985, and prepared pursuant to F.S. ch. 380.


    Okeechobee County shall use the capital improvements element to annually determine funding sources for identified deficiencies in capital improvement needs, and shall annually amend the five-year schedule of capital improvements to include capital projects and funding sources to correct existing deficiencies and accommodate future growth.


    Okeechobee County will provide or require the provision of needed public facilities based on levels of service set forth in the several elements of the plan. Public facilities needs within the county's jurisdiction will be determined based on previously issued development orders, the county's planning and zoning process, the county's concurrency management system, and the county's annual budget process.


    The capital improvements element of the plan shall be the basis for determining the funding priority for capital facilities necessary to meet existing deficiencies, to accommodate future growth, and to replace obsolete or wornout facilities.


    Okeechobee County will strive to increase its tax base and raise its revenue potential.


    If a proposed new development will degrade one or more public facilities and services in unincorporated Okeechobee County to a level of service below that established by this plan, the development shall bear the cost of maintaining the facility or service at the established level of service. Proportionate cost shall be determined by assessing the benefit of capital improvements received by future as well as existing residents.


    Land use decisions shall be linked to available or projected public and private fiscal resources and to the county's schedule of capital improvements. Land use decisions shall maintain established level of service standards and meet existing and future public facility needs.