§ 58-35. Installation standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Where possible, all underground utility facilities should be placed outside of the pavement or main traveled surface.


    Crossing under existing pavement shall generally be made without cutting the pavement. Jacking shall be permitted and the casing pipe shall extend a minimum of four feet beyond the existing pavement edge on either side. Mechanical boring may also be used to install the casing pipe under existing pavement.


    Pavement cuts may be considered and such permission must be specifically granted on the permit. Where open cutting has been permitted, replacement of fill base and surface shall be in accordance with standards and review by the county engineer.


    Open cutting of unpaved road surfaces may be permitted. Where considered and permission specifically granted on the permit, replacement of fill base and surface shall be in accordance with standards and review by the county engineer.


    All backfill material used shall be clean and free of foreign material. Backfill shall be placed in not more than nine-inch layers and shall be compacted to maximum density. Around the pipe and for the first two feet above the trench bottom, compaction shall be by hand-operated tamping devices.


    If any work requires the removal or destruction of sidewalks, curbs, culverts, headwalls or any permanent structures, these shall be replaced by the permit holder in equal or better condition than the original.


    Where any work disturbs the area outside the travel way, that area shall be completely restored in a manner acceptable to the county. Sod that is removed shall be replaced with sod of a like kind. Unsodded areas shall be backfilled, compacted, graded and then seeded and mulched to prevent erosion.


    Existing utilities that are damaged, destroyed or temporarily removed shall be replaced or repaired by the permit holder at no expense to the county or utility owner.


    The minimum depth of cover over pipe shall be 36 inches measured from the top of the pipe to the finished grade.


    The minimum depth of cover over a direct burial cable measured from the existing or proposed traveled way shall be 36 inches under roadways. In other areas of the right-of-way, the minimum depth of cover shall be 30 inches.


    Work authorized by the permit shall be subject to inspection at any time by the county engineer.

(Ord. No. 2008-02, § 1(Exh. A), 5-22-08)