§ 2-18. Meeting decorum.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Meetings of a governing body of Okeechobee County are formal governmental meetings that are conducted to transact public business. In conducting the public's business, the governing body shall maintain a commitment to the principles of civility, honor, and dignity. Individuals appearing before a governing body of the county are required to observe these principles when making comments on items and issues before the governing body for consideration.


    Individuals appearing before a governing body may be asked, but shall not be required to, state their name and address for the public record. All comments must be made from an easily accessible central location or by other reasonable accommodations and shall address the subject of the agenda item. Members of the governing body, staff members, and citizens are required to use civil and appropriate language when addressing the governing body or the audience and must refrain from using profanity, cursing, or exhibiting aggressive or threatening behavior when addressing the governing body or other participants. All comments must be directed to the presiding officer and not to individual members of the governing body or to the audience. No personal verbal attacks toward any individual by either the governing body, staff, or citizens shall be allowed during a meeting of the governing body.


    Participants shall adhere to their allotted time for addressing the governing body as provided in this section and may submit written documents in order to fully address their concerns with the governing body.

(Ord. No. 2008-05, § 3, 7-10-08)