§ 28-2. Additional filing fees to fund legal aid program for indigent persons.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The board of county commissioners finds, determines, and declares that the increase in the funding for a legal aid [program] providing civil legal services to indigent persons in the county facilitates the proper administration of justice in civil actions in the courts of the county.


    In addition to all other amounts provided by law, there shall be a filing fee pursuant to the schedule below in any civil action filed in the county and circuit courts of the county.


    For all claims filed in county court ..... $ 5.00


    For all claims filed in circuit court, except probate proceedings ..... 10.00


    For all probate proceedings ..... 5.00


    All funds which shall be received by the clerk of the such courts, pursuant to subsection (b) hereof, shall be paid by such clerks to Florida Rural Legal Services and Okeechobee County Legal Aide within ten days after the end of each calendar month. Florida Rural Legal will receive the first $30,000.00 collected; thereafter the amount will be split monthly between Florida Rural and Okeechobee County Legal Aide, and such money shall be used exclusively for the purposes associated with the operation of a program making civil legal services available to the poor and indigent people in the county.


    All monies raised pursuant to subsection (b) shall be earmarked for legal aid programs established to provide free legal aid services to indigent residents of the county and to assist in providing legal assistance to indigent residents of other counties when the venue is Okeechobee County, Florida, and when requested to so by the legal aid associations in such counties. This expenditure of such funds is declared to be a proper public and county purpose in and for the county.


    The legal assistance to be funded and provided pursuant to this section shall include, but not be limited to, consultations, advice, litigation, and representation before courts in civil matters, and before federal, state, and local administrative agencies.


    Florida Rural Legal Services and Okeechobee County Legal Aide shall submit a semiannual report to the board of county commissioners. The report shall include the nature of the legal assistance provided, a summary of the funds collected and disbursed pursuant to this section, and an identification based on residency of the service recipients.

(Ord. No. 96-09, §§ 1—6, 12-19-96)

Editor's note

Ordinance No. 96-09, adopted December 19, 1996, did not specifically amend the Code; hence, codification of §§ 1—6 of said ordinance as § 28-2 was at the discretion of the editor.

Cross reference

Circuit and county court charges, § 2-116 et seq.